Summer health tips
Summer tips
Hi everyone!!!
Today i am talking about the health tips in summer season .
These tips are different. Summer tips are different from winter 
tips. You can follow these tips in summer and make your life healthy.

1.  When outdoors, wear sunglasses that block at least 99% of ultraviolet A and B rays.
Sunglasses can help prevent characts as well as wrinkles around the eyes.

2.  Stay cool and hydrated. Drink water, at least two to four cups (16-32 ounces) upon rising and similar amounts if you are going out for activities and exercise. Carry water with you in a hard plastic container (more stable poly carbonate rather than polyethylene that leaches plastic into the water). You may also use a traveling water filter. 

3.  Enjoy Nature's bounty - fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables at their organic best. ' 
Consuming foods that are cooling and light fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads and lots of water -- will nourish your body for summertime activities. Include some protein with one or two meals. There are a number of light, nourishing proteins that don't require cooking .

4.  Resist the urge to stay up later during long summer days. Instead pay attention to good sleep hygiene by keeping the same bedtime and wake-up schedule.

5.  Keep up or begin an exercise program. Aerobic activity is important for keeping the heart strong and healthy. If you only work out in a health club, take some time to do outdoor refreshing activities -- hiking, biking, swimming, .or tennis. Reconnecting with these activities will help keep your body and mind aligned. 

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